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Thanks - Alberta Medical Association for funding the Virtual BPD Study

We would like to thank the Pediatric Section at the Alberta Medical Association for funding the Virtual BPD Study.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a form of chronic lung disease that affects newborns. Infants who develop BPD are born prematurely and need oxygen therapy. Most infants recover from BPD, but some may have long-term breathing difficulties. In the NICU, sensors are routinely used to monitor oxygen levels to help us determine how much oxygen the babies need.

There is no good evidence to say what an oxygen saturation should be for babies born with immature lungs once at home. In the past, many issues with home monitors have been identified such as difficulties in transmitting the data for clinical evaluation.

The lack of evidence leads to inconsistent advice from doctors, parent anxiety, frustration and non-compliance. We want to gather good information to know the best ways to give oxygen safely, improve the health of, and decrease possible future hospital visits for these babies.

This study is being done to:

1. understand an acceptable way to monitor and guide care for prematurely born babies once discharged from hospital.

2. understand the experience of having a baby with BPD at home, from the parent/caregiver's perspective.


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